
Monthly update: October 2020

October 28, 2020

Good news

Our baby boy is finally here! ❤️ We are so happy and are enjoying the time as a family. I have couple of articles I want to share in the pipeline, but it will still take some time to finish them.

The beauty of improving

Couple of years ago I developed a tool for Ferrox that allows you to add certain information and workprocess related stuff to blueprints.
I was pleasantly surprised that it worked so long without any major bugs. However recently they contacted me because there were couple of blueprints that could no longer be modified. Time for me to check out the old code base and see what’s going on.

While I will not go into specifics here, it was a great experience revisiting this old code base. There were couple of things that were actually quite nice and well structured, but also a lot of things I would do totally different today.
One key aspect I seem to always ignore is a (short) README. Just a quick overview what this app is supposed to do and especially what it takes to be able to run.

That’s one of the aspects I really like about being a software developer. Usually it is pretty easy to see what you’ve learned in the past week/month/year.


In one of my past articles I already mentioned a Podcast - Denkversuche.
Well, it happened and I joined Jonas and Sönke for two episodes already. One about projects and interests and whether a lof of them can be a disadvantage (listen here). And another one about being a dad - how and from what we try to protect our children (listen here).

Recording a podcast was so much fun, but in certain aspects also really challenging. Just from listening to my first two episodes there is already so much stuff I see that I can improve. But I’m also open for feedback, so if you listened to one of the episodes, just let me know how I can improve.

I hope there will be more episodes in the future.

Personal Blog written by Nicolas Gehlert, software developer from Freiburg im Breisgau. Developer & Papa. Github | Twitter

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